Red-Black Trees.

Red-Black Trees.

A Self-Balancing Binary Search Tree


  • A red-black tree is a type of self-balancing binary search tree where each node includes an extra bit, often interpreted as its color: red or black.

  • These colors help maintain the tree’s balance during insertions and deletions.

  • Though not perfectly balanced, the tree’s structure ensures search time remains approximately O(log n), where n is the total number of elements.

  • Invented by Rudolf Bayer in 1972, red-black trees require minimal extra memory, as each node needs only 1 bit for color storage.

Properties of Red-Black Trees:

Every red-black tree follows these essential rules:

  1. Every node is either red or black.

  2. The root is always black.

  3. No two adjacent red nodes exist (i.e., a red node cannot have a red parent or child).

  4. Every path from a node to its descendant null nodes contains the same number of black nodes.

  5. All leaf nodes (null nodes) are black.

Why Use Red-Black Trees?

  • In binary search trees (BST), operations such as search, insert, and delete take O(h) time, where h is the tree height.

  • In the worst case, for a skewed BST, h can be as large as n, resulting in O(n) time complexity.

  • Red-black trees, however, maintain the height as O(log n) after every operation, ensuring efficient performance.

OperationTime Complexity
SearchO(log n)
InsertO(log n)
DeleteO(log n)

Comparison with AVL Trees:

  • While AVL trees are more balanced than red-black trees, they involve more rotations during insertions and deletions.

  • Red-black trees are preferred for applications with frequent insertions and deletions, whereas AVL trees are better suited for scenarios where search operations dominate.

How Red-Black Trees Maintain Balance:

  • A key feature of red-black trees is that a chain of three consecutive nodes is not possible due to their coloring rules.

  • Any attempt to create such a chain would violate the tree’s properties, ensuring balance is maintained.

Key Points About Red-Black Trees:

  1. Black Height: The number of black nodes from the root to any leaf node. For a tree of height h, the black height is at least h/2.

  2. Height Bound: A red-black tree with n nodes has a height ≤ 2 log₂(n + 1).

  3. Black Depth: The number of black nodes from the root to a specific node.

  4. Memory Efficiency: Red-black trees use the same memory as traditional BSTs since they store only an additional bit per node.

  5. Special Properties: Every red-black tree is a specialized form of a binary tree.

Search Operation in Red-Black Trees:

  • The search algorithm for a red-black tree is identical to that of a standard BST.

  • Starting from the root, compare the target value with the current node’s value and recurse left or right accordingly.


searchElement(tree, val):
    If tree -> data == val OR tree == NULL:
        Return tree
    Else If val < tree -> data:
        Return searchElement(tree -> left, val)
        Return searchElement(tree -> right, val)

Example: Searching for 11 in a red-black tree:

  1. Start from the root.

  2. Compare 11 with the current node.

  3. Move left or right based on the comparison.

  4. If found, return true; otherwise, continue until null.

Applications of Red-Black Trees:

  1. Library Functions: Many self-balancing BST libraries like C++ STL’s map, multimap, and Java’s TreeMap and TreeSet are implemented using red-black trees.

  2. Operating Systems: Linux’s Completely Fair Scheduler (CPU scheduling) uses red-black trees.

  3. Machine Learning: Red-black trees are employed in the K-means clustering algorithm to reduce time complexity.

  4. Databases: MySQL uses red-black trees for indexing tables, optimizing search and insertion operations.


Red-black trees are a powerful tool for ensuring efficient data management, particularly in scenarios requiring frequent insertions, deletions, and searches. By maintaining a height of O(log n) and adhering to strict balancing rules, they offer a robust and memory-efficient solution. While this article covered their basics and search operations, the more complex insertion and deletion operations will be explored in subsequent discussions.